keskiviikko 26. lokakuuta 2011

Kirje Barack Obamalta 29. huhtikuuta 2011

Sain tuon kirjeen jo puolisen vuotta sitten vaan eipö tullut mieleeni liittää sitä tähän treenipäiväkirjaamme. Näytin sen kumminkin koirilleni ja kerroin,mitä siinä lukee. Näin kirjoitin Sirkus Finlandiaan:

Hannele Tervola 3. toukokuuta 2011 11.04
Vastaa | Vastaa kaikille | Lähetä edelleen | Tulosta | Poista | Näytä alkuperäinen
Olen viimeisen vajaan vuoden aikana oppinut arvostamaan sirkusta
suuresti treenatessani koiriani sirkukseen.
Tapanani on kirjoittaa tärkeiksi kokemistani aiheista vaikuttamaan
pyrkiviä kirjeitä niille tahoille, jotka kulloinkin koen oikeiksi sekä
asian että kirjeeni laadun perusteella. Olen mm. kirjoittanut useaan
kertaan Yhdysvaltain Valkoiseen Taloon. Yksi aiheistani on ollut
koulutus. Viimeisessä kirjeessäni käsittelin koulun oppimistulosta ja
suosittelin sirkusharrastusta sen parantamiseksi:
"Schooling needs circus
Schooling has the problem that one can memorize things without
understanding them. So often wise action looks like a robot instead of
like a person with a perception ability of one’s own, a real brain of
one’s own.
A circus hobby, learning a circus trick in one’s own ways without any
other rule than that the end result should be a good one, teaches one
to use one’s own understanding to guide one’s actions wisely.
Please value circus!"
Viime perjantaina sain oheisen vastauksen - luultavasti useampaan
viestiini yhdessä, mutta mahdollisesti juuri tuota sirkusaiheista
viestiäni sivuten, ks. lainaus tässä alla.
Hyvää Sirkuskesää!
Yst. terv. Hannele Tervola, Savonlinna

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The White House - Presidential Correspondence

Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 15:15:04 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Thank You for Your Message

- Piilota lainattu teksti -
April 29, 2011

Dear Friend:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on education. I appreciate
hearing from you. I am committed to providing the best possible
education for our Nation's students because our children deserve it
and because, today more than ever, America's prosperity rests on how
well we educate them.

Across the country, we have many great schools and dedicated teachers.
We should be proud of these successes, and eager to discover and
support what makes them great. We must also realize that not all
children get the education they deserve, and many schools need urgent
reform to better help our students reach their full potential.

Through the Recovery Act, my Administration has made a historic
investment toward improving public education and providing greater
access to a complete and competitive education for every child. This
investment will make high-quality, early learning programs available
to more young children. The Recovery Act will also help strengthen
the teaching profession by recognizing talented teachers who improve
learning and by encouraging them to stay in the schools that need them
most. We are committed to exploring innovative approaches that
advance teaching and learning through high standards and expectations
for all students, and to developing meaningful assessments. These
steps can ensure our graduates are prepared for success both in their
higher education and careers.

A child's education does not begin and end with a school bell, and
responsibility must extend beyond a school's walls. Our future
success depends on a greater level of engagement between parents,
communities, and schools on behalf of children. We all share the duty
to educate our students, and if we hold them to the highest standards,
they will meet them. Please join me online to read more at:


Barack Obama

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